We give you a blank wall.
You put anything you want on it, anywhere.
Simple, yet powerful.
I just ran across Padlet today when a fellow teacher five states away asked for colleagues to add ideas to her wall to help her with a presentation. What was Padlet? I didn't know, so I had to check it out.
Turns out, Padlet looks very useful for your collaborative projects.
At Padlet you create a blank wall (which can be set to private or public). You share your wall with your group, or with whoever you want to contribute ideas. If multiple people are working at the same time, you see what they add instantly, without needing to refresh the page.
You can add videos, photos, links, text - just about anything to your wall.
Padlet also has a mobile version - great for cell phones and tablets.
What does a Padlet wall look like? Check out the Padlet gallery to find out.
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