Friday, September 20, 2013

Shall we play a game?: The rise of the military-entertainment complex 

The Army wants you to play video games: For decades, the military has been financing, inventing and perfecting them

Shall we play a game?: The rise of the military-entertainment complexThe origins of the U.S. military’s involvement with video games lie in its century-old status as this country’s primary sponsor of new technologies. A quick checklist of the technologies that either stem from or were significantly refined in defense-funded contexts shows how pervasive the military’s influence has been: digital computers, nuclear power, high-speed integrated circuits, the first version of the Internet, semiconductors, radar, sonar, jet engines, portable phones, transistors, microwave ovens, GPS—the list goes on. As Ed Halter writes in his book “From Sun Tzu to Xbox,” “The technologies that shape our culture have always been pushed forward by war.”

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