Business Insider highlighted 26 famous people - and by famous I mean you either know their name, their ideas, or their product - who failed fantastically before they found success.
Marilyn Monroe, Thomas Edison, Colonel Sanders, Winston Churchill, Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg, Albert Einstein, J.K. Rowling, Dr. Seuss, Charles Darwin, Oprah Winfrey, Lucille Ball, Vincent VanGogh...
Crazy, right? Some of their ideas are taught in top universities. Their movies win Academy Awards. Their artwork hangs in the world's elite museums. Their books are read around the world in multiple languages. Their fried chicken makes my mouth water.
What can we learn from them? Seriously? We all face setbacks. We all meet with rejection at some point in our lives. The true test of your mettle is how you respond to setbacks and rejection.
Read the full article here.
It's crazy how everyone expects us, the students, to be so great in school. When in reality, it's not just school that prepares us for the future. Walt Disney was such a big successful man with having to do so great in high school. You don't need to be the smartest person in the world to be the best person in the world.
All these people bring out a new meaning to the saying, "Never give up". It's amazing how many times someone can fail, and still have the fight to keep going. I don't know about you, but I probably would have given up after about my third vacuum. This is an extremely inspirational article!
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