In an effort to keep parents informed about what is going on in our classroom, I will be using Blogger, Remind 101, Edmodo, and of course, Parent Connect (online grade book for AHS).What is Blogger?
You're here. This is Blogger - it's a simple blogging website, easily accessible on the computer and by mobile phone. My blog is for both students and parents.
How can I be alerted to new posts?
To follow this blog (receive automatic updates), you can use the "Subscribe" or "Follow by Email" widgets on the right side. Of course, you can also bookmark this site and visit regularly to stay up to date.
How is Blogger set up?
I will use Blogger for reminders of upcoming deadlines, announcements, project and assignment information, and other information - life in the digital age, college preparation, study tips, etc.
In the widgets along the right side, you will see "Labels". I will label each post so that you can quickly find the information you are looking for. For instance, if you select the "Parents" label, you will see all posts I have tagged for parents. If you select the "English 2" label, you will see all posts I have tagged for the English 2 class. Pay particular attention to those posts labeled with your teenager's class.
What is Remind 101?
This year as a way of communicating reminders and important information with students (and parents if they would like), I will be utilizing a free app called Remind 101, which sends reminders and announcements to your cell phone via text, or to your email - all for free.
What type of announcements?
Reminders of assignments, tests, quizzes, deadlines, etc.
Answers to FAQs (frequently asked questions)
Clarifications and changes
Will I send reminders for every assignment?
No. Students should take responsibility for themselves. They should be able to stay organized on their own, using their student planners or other means. But, a little help never hurt anyone.
What do you need to do to sign up?
Students and parents do not need to download the app, they merely need to subscribe to the messages and reminders for a particular class by sending a text message.
To receive updates via text message:
Send a text with the message listed below to the following number:
To receive updates via email:
Send an email to the address "class code (without the @) +".
For example, if you want to subscribe to English 2 announcements and reminders, send an email to (do not forget to omit the @).
Class codes:
English 2 message: @misscoom
Journalism 1 message: @misscoombe
Journalism 2 message: @009
Speech message: @misscoomb
Advanced Speech/Debate message: @advsp
RTI Study Hall: @rtis
Yearbook general announcements (such as picture days): @9f908
Sophomore class general announcements: @1b0c5
(Yes, I realize there seems to be typos in the email and codes, but they are accurate.)
This is the first year I have used Remind101, so please bear with me as I get used to it.
If you have any questions about Remind101 the app, please visit their website .
What is Edmodo?
Edmodo is a website designed for teachers and students to interact. There, teachers can post assignments, quizzes, poll questions; and students can post comments about their assignments, turn in assignments, and ask questions. I will use Edmodo to post specific details about assignments and collect assignments (not all).
Several teachers use Edmodo, so your student may already have an account. They only need one account. From there, they can access all of their classes.
Several teachers use Edmodo, so your student may already have an account. They only need one account. From there, they can access all of their classes.
Parents are welcome to sign up for a parent account at Edmodo. By doing so, you can see assignment deadlines, details, your teen's progress and posts, etc. Parent accounts are purely for observation - you cannot send messages or post with a parent account.
How do I sign up for Edmodo as a parent?
After the students have signed up for their accounts (using information provided in a previous post for all students), each student will receive a parent code. You can have your student log in, and look for the 6-digit parent code found on the lower left side panel of their account. Or, contact me via email at and I will send you the parent code attached to your student's account.
How do I sign up for Edmodo as a parent?
After the students have signed up for their accounts (using information provided in a previous post for all students), each student will receive a parent code. You can have your student log in, and look for the 6-digit parent code found on the lower left side panel of their account. Or, contact me via email at and I will send you the parent code attached to your student's account.
Edmodo also has a grade book tool, which I will not be using, since we already have our online grade book - Parent Connect. at .
Parent Connect is a district-wide online grade book. You should have received a username and password at registration. If you cannot find your login information, please email, or call the high school office at 217.268.4962.
Parent Connect is the official grade book for my classes. Edmodo may post "grades", but those grades may not be accurate as many assignments will not be submitted through Edmodo.
A quick link to Parent Connect has been provided in the links to the right, and here: .
Yes, as you can see in the links to the right, I do have a professional Twitter account. Occasionally, I may send reminders and announcements using it, but I will use Remind 101, Blogger, and Edmodo, first.
Why do I have a Twitter account?
Twitter is a great way to get ideas from other teachers, the U.S. Department of Education, professional teaching organizations, various college resources, etc. Twitter is also a great way to pass that information on to parents, students, and colleagues.
Feel free to follow me @AHSMissC at
I am looking forward to a great school year. I hope that by incorporating these digital methods of communication, you will feel involved and updated on what is going on in our classroom.
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