Thursday, August 15, 2013

How do I study?

Study. It's a four letter word. Or at least it should be.

Some of you have had to buckle down and study since fifth grade. Others still can get by without really studying at all.

No matter where you fall on that spectrum, everyone can benefit from learning how to study more efficiently. "Work smarter, not harder." In other words, quality study time does not necessarily involve hours and hours of work. With the help of a few tips, you may be able to cut your study time in half, while improving your retention.

Below are a few articles I have found. Some are directed towards high school students, while some are geared more towards college students. Why? We're all at different levels in our study skills.

"How to Study: Studying Tips for College Students"

"15 Study Tips for Students with ADHD"

"Study Skills"

"Students to Students Study Tips"

"5 Study Tips for Busy Students"

"Characteristics of a Successful Student"

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