This year as a way of communicating reminders and important information with students (and parents if they would like), I will be utilizing a free app called Remind 101, which sends reminders and announcements to your cell phone via text, or to your email - all for free.
What type of announcements?
- Reminders of assignments, tests, quizzes, deadlines, etc.
- Answers to FAQs (frequently asked questions)
- Clarifications and changes
Will I send reminders for every assignment?
No. Students should take responsibility for themselves. They should be able to stay organized on their own, using their student planners or other means. But, a little help never hurt anyone.
What do you need to do to sign up?
Students and parents do not need to download the app, they merely need to subscribe to the messages and reminders for a particular class by sending a text message.
To receive updates via text message:
Send a text with the message listed below to the following number:
To receive updates via email:
Send an email to the address "class code (without the @) + @mail.remind101.com".
For example, if you want to subscribe to English 2 announcements and reminders, send an email to misscoom@mail.remind101.com
Class codes:
English 2 message: @misscoom
Journalism 1 message: @misscoombe
Journalism 2 message: @009
Speech message: @misscoomb
Advanced Speech/Debate message: @advsp
RTI Study Hall: @rtis
RTI Connections: @rtico
Yearbook announcements for all students: @9f908
Sophomore class: @1b0c5
This is the first year I have used Remind101, so please bear with me as I get used to it.
If you have any questions about Remind101 the app, please visit their website www.remind101.com .
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